Average Premium Rate for 2022-23
Frequently asked questions regarding the Average Premium Rate for 2022-23 and proposed legislative changes.
(Updated 17 June 2022)
On 14 June 2022, the Premier of South Australia announced that a the Return to Work (Scheme Sustainability) Bill 2022 will be introduced to Parliament on 15 June 2022 to replace the Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill 2022, which was introduced to Parliament on 2 June 2022.
At this point, no legislation has been passed and there is no change to our services or processes.
(2 June 2022)
Why has my premium gone up?
The ReturnToWorkSA Board has set the Average Premium Rate (APR) for 2022-23 at 1.80%. This reflects a rise of 5.9% from the 2021/2022 rate of 1.70%. The increase means that the SAIC rates used to calculate your base premium have changed.
The rise in the APR is following a significant legal decision which has resulted in more workers being taken to be seriously injured, increasing the costs of the Scheme.
In reaching the APR decision, the Board has taken into account the State Government's advice that it intends to address the serious legislative anomaly presented by the Summerfield decision via the proposed Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill 2022.
The Board has also considered the objects of the Act in supporting injured workers to realise the health benefits of work and reducing the social and economic impacts of work injury to the State and the community, the affordability of premiums, the financial position of ReturnToWorkSA as well as independent actuarial advice.
Why is the legislative change being proposed?
Without changes to the legislation, the costs of running the Return to Work scheme will continue to rise, resulting in the need for significant premium increases.
Amending the legislation will restore balance between affordable premiums for employers and an appropriate benefit structure for injured workers.
What are the proposed legislative changes?
The Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill 2022 being considered by Parliament is intended to provide clarity on the whole person impairment (WPI) process where an injured worker has multiple injuries, and the circumstances under which multiple injuries may or may not be combined to determine the level of whole person impairment.
Is there anything that I can do to lower my premium?
Premium rates are influenced by a range of factors including the claims history of the individual business, claims costs for the relevant industry and the overall health of the Scheme.
The best way to influence your premium positively is by implementing safety practices to prevent injuries from happening, and if they do, assisting the injured worker to stay at work and recover or return to work as soon as possible by providing suitable duties.
I have a current claim, how do the proposed changes to the legislation affect me?
There is no change to our services or processes. No new legislation or amendments have been passed at this point.
How long will it take me to undergo a WPI assessment?
The process for accessing a whole person impairment (WPI) assessment is not changing. You should continue to talk to your claims agent about proceeding to a WPI assessment when it’s medically appropriate to do so.
The availability of assessors and the complexity of your injury can affect how long it takes to access a WPI assessment.
When will the legislative changes come into effect?
The Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill 2022 was introduced to Parliament on 2 June 2022. If it passes in its current form, the changes will commence from 1 January 2023.