News room
31 Jan 2020
If you have been diagnosed with silicosis, please contact us on 08 8233 2545 or email to start your claim.
17 Jan 2020
We have redesigned our website ( so that our key customers can more easily find the information that they need.
06 Jan 2020
The South Australian community is being severely impacted by the devastating effects of bushfires, with loss of life, property and businesses. These events significantly impact the health and wellbeing of communities, and individuals can experience intense, confusing and frightening emotions.
28 Oct 2019
On Monday 30 September 2019, Safe Work Australia launched the National Return to Work Strategy 2020-2030 which defines a 10-year action plan to improve return to work outcomes for workers across Australia.
25 Sep 2019
Our new 'Simple steps to safety' self-audit tool is designed to help you assess your current health and safety practices.
20 Sep 2019
To help GPs understand the various carcinogens and cancers that workers may face, Cancer Council has developed a free e-learning module.