Tools and resources for a healthy workplace

Healthy Workplaces website

The Healthy Workplaces website provides a central source of information, tools and resources to help South Australian businesses create healthy, safe and thriving workplaces.

Healthy Workplaces Self-audit Tool

Our Healthy Workplace Advisor can guide you through a self-audit that is designed to help you identify and address gaps in your workplace healthy and wellbeing strategy.

Contact our Healthy Workplace Advisor at or call 08 8233 2906 to access the Healthy Workplaces Self-audit Tool.

Self-audit tool resources

These resources are designed to be used as part of the Healthy Workplaces Self-audit Tool.

  1. Critical success factors (PDF, 94 KB): give your strategy the best chance of success.
  2. Protect against harm (PDF, 105 KB): ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all.
  3. Respond to health concerns (PDF, 101 KB): reduce the impact of ill health on staff and your business.
  4. Promote thriving (PDF, 77 KB): optimise wellbeing and improve future capabilities.

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