Injury management self audit tool results

1 - Management Commitment - 75 %
2 - Consultation - 83.3%
3 - Training and Education - 75 %
4 - Early Intervention and Return to Work - 75 %
5 - Document, Report and Improve - 100 %
1 - Management Commitment: 75%
2 - Consultation: 83.3%
3 - Training and Education: 75%
4 - Early Intervention and Return to Work: 75%
5 - Document, Report and Improve: 100%

1 - Management Commitment


Managers are generally aware of the injury management process but may not always fully commit to the function (especially if other things come up to distract them). There is an understanding of the management role in the system but they do not always participate.

The return to work coordinator may also have another position and when time is limited for the return to work function it can be put to the side in favour of the substantive role. This can send a message to workers that management of their injuries is not important to the business.

Some managers may feel that managing the return to work of their direct reports is not their job and this can lead to poor return to work outcomes as well as other cultural issues.

Next steps

  1. Make sure your managers and staff are completely clear with their role in recovery and return to work. This can be accomplished by training (or re-training), regular updates at team meetings or other initiatives promoting injury management.
  2. Make sure senior managers are always involved in activities or meetings to make it clear that injury management is important to the business.
  3. Make sure your return to work coordinator has enough time to properly perform the role. This will vary from business to business but in general the coordinator themselves will be able to let you know if they have enough time. You can also check your injury statistics and speak to your managers and workers about their experiences with the system.
  4. Encourage managers to “walk the talk” and assist them with any concerns. Make sure that you do not simply take away responsibility but rather help the managers to fulfil their role though extra training or other assistance. The return to work coordinator can assist with this.

2 - Consultation


You have a proven effective consultation process which is utilised throughout the business. You consult with your workers on a regular basis and include them in all decisions that may affect them.

Next steps

  1. Regularly review your consultative mechanisms to ensure currency and effectiveness.
  2. Make sure you continue to engage your workforce and adapt your system to any changes.
  3. Periodically test (e.g. survey) your workplace to confirm that the workforce feels that they are consulted effectively.

3 - Training and Education


You are aware that training is an important part of business and you have the foundation of a training system in place. There may be some gaps in the record keeping in the system or it may be that once training is performed it is not systematically updated to ensure its currency and relevance to the business. Induction may be incomplete or inadequate with respect to injury management.

Next steps

  1. Make sure your training records are kept up to date and regularly review your training needs to ensure currency. You can use the same system to diarise updates and reviews as necessary. It is simple to cover all of the training and update requirements in a single document or system. You may build a spreadsheet yourself or purchase one of the many commercial products available.
  2. Review the injury management portion of the induction and update it to reflect your policies and procedures. Make sure there is emphasis on the importance of return to work and the value of employees to the business.

4 - Early Intervention and Return to Work


You have a good understanding of early intervention and injury management. Your system deals with most circumstances well but there may be a few aspects of your process that could be improved. This can be due to a lack of training or understanding by staff, limited or restricted resources or time or because of the structure and nature of your business.

Next steps

  1. Consider your business structure and how it operates. Make sure that responsibility for early intervention and return to work is given to those that are in the best position to do it.
  2. Train and educate all staff in the process and emphasise your commitment to injury management through provision of resources and training.
  3. Make sure your process is transparent and workers are involved in their own return to work and claim.
  4. Where it is practical to do so develop a relationship with a nearby clinic. Invite doctors to meet you and tour the worksite. This will assist in identification of duties and will reduce the instance of time lost due to doctors being unaware of what workers do.

5 - Document, Report and Improve


You have a successful and embedded early intervention and return to work system. You have an effective document control system in place. You set goals, targets and KPIs and regularly report on and review them. You have a formal system of internal audit and you properly analyse trends and performance. You maintain detailed records and utilise corrective action plans to address required activity.

Next steps

  1. Regularly review your system to ensure its currency and effectiveness.
  2. Regularly interrogate the system to ensure that what you want done is being done (i.e. are we doing what we say we will do and if not why not?).

Need more help?

Email for questions about this self-assessment or for assistance with management systems development.

Email for information about the role of a return to work coordinator and certificate training.

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Toll free: 1800 774 177
Fax: 08 8177 8451
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