Tools and resources for a mentally healthy workplace

There are a range of free tools and resources available for small, medium and large businesses to assist in creating a mentally healthy workplace- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site.

Your roadmap

To get you started, download the roadmap- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site and pillars model- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site to plan your next steps.

Key actions for your roadmap to a mentally healthy workplace are:

  • Gaining leadership support and demonstrating this at workplace level
  • Undertaking a stocktake:
    • Identify areas of concern
    • Identify what you are already doing, using the protect, respond, promote pillars
    • What might be missing?
  • Engaging your people – consult with a wide range of staff to understand their needs
  • Consider resources internally and externally to assist
  • Identify top priority areas for action

How can we help?

Our specialised mentally healthy workplaces service- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site can provide practical support, advice and resources in relation to creating mentally healthy workplaces. Contact us on (08) 8233 2310 or email  

Useful tools and resources

Free tools and resources are available to help workplaces to get started on their mentally healthy workplace journey.

A good place to start is our Mentally Healthy Workplaces interactive online course- external site- external site. Developed in collaboration with GPEx, this module unpacks the 'what', 'why' and 'how' of a mentally healthy workplace. The tool has been designed specifically to support employers, Return to Work Coordinators, managers and leaders.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces - GPEx- external site- external site

Free workplace supports and resources

State based:

National based:

For small business:

Workshops and webinars

ReturnToWorkSA provides free workshops- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site on mentally healthy workplaces and returning to work.

If you are large or self-insured employer, you may be interested in our Train the Trainer- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site- external site for Mentally Healthy Workplaces.  This 5-hour workshop will equip you with the tools and skills to deliver in-house training sessions on mentally healthy workplaces to your leaders and wellbeing champions. You will be provided with all the resources to roll out this package successfully within your workplace.

If you would like further information about this workshop, email or phone 8233 2310.

Mental health support services

Suicide and crisis support

If you or an employee is in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harming yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000.

To talk to someone now call these 24/7 support services: