Section 5 - Outcome 1 - 0-3pts

Your workers are unlikely to be properly trained or supervised whilst at work.

Your responses indicate that you need to take immediate action to provide training to your workers in their roles and in safe work practices generally. You may also need to review your supervisory arrangements to ensure workers are receiving adequate and consistent supervision.

What you can do to improve:

Establish a safety induction process

When you employ a new worker, train them in your policies, procedures and the expected behaviours. Induction training should include:

  • health and safety roles and responsibilities
  • how and when to report safety issues and incidents
  • your consultation process
  • general safety rules such as the use of personal protective equipment
  • emergency procedures
  • training in specific tasks.

Make sure you review your induction and training information periodically to ensure it is up-to-date and relevant. You can provide the training in a manual for your workers to reference but the manual is for reference only – it is not a substitute for you personally training your workers.

Provide adequate supervision

What is considered relevant supervision will be largely dependent on the role, associated hazards and risks, the experience of the worker, any language or understanding barriers or any other factor that may be pertinent in the worker’s circumstances.

Supervision of workers is a good way for you to be sure that your workers are working safely and following your procedures.

Practice what you preach

If your workers see you or your supervisors flaunting the procedures, taking shortcuts or otherwise failing to follow the established safe work practices they will likely do the same. This leads to dangerous work practices which will in turn inevitably cause injury.

Useful links